Christians Against Poverty

CAP ToP banner Rodney

Fighting poverty in Newbury

Our church partners with Christians Against Poverty (CAP UK) to support local people here in Newbury and surrounding areas who are facing unimaginable debt. We've seen how poverty robs people of dignity, hope and opportunities, and together with CAP we're determined to fight back.  

Nicole Heeley 42


Christians Against Poverty has been providing free professional debt help through local churches across the UK since 1996. Since CAP's services first began we've been working tirelessly to support people to become debt free, find work and escape poverty.


Newbury CAP Debt Centre

Colin - CAP

CAP Newbury

Take your first step out of debt, call our friendly New Enquiries team who will arrange your first appointment with your local Debt Coach.
Call 0800 328 0006 (calls free from landlines and mobiles in the UK)

Colin Cunningham: Debt Centre Manager (pictured)
David Clark: Debt Coach

This Debt Centre is run in partnership with Bridge Church Newbury.

Empty Purse

Money Coaching Courses

Money coaching is a free service designed to empower people of all ages with the knowledge, skills, tools and confidence to better manage their finances. Anyone can benefit, from seasoned budgeting experts to those struggling to get to grips with their spending as families, students or pensioners - literally anyone.

The first course is at St Nic's Church Hall on Wednesdays 19 and 26 March at 7pm. Click here to see the invitation.

For more info contact Colin at 
or call 07393 496 480.


Donate to CAP Newbury

You can give to CAP Newbury via our partner, Bridge Church Newbury -
click here.                    
Please be sure to click the drop down box where it says 'regular giving' and choose 'Christians Against Poverty Debt Centre Newbury'.