
Giving to St Nicolas'
The work of St Nicolas’ Church, which enables us to fulfil our mission of 'Being Good News and Bringing Good News' to Newbury, is entirely dependent upon the generous donations and gifts received from our wider church family. Click here for the St Nics Giving Response Form. Click here to give via our mobile app or click here for other ways to give.
From youth & children’s work to pastoral care for the elderly, from maintenance of our buildings to outreach giving to local, national & overseas causes, from church open days to being able to employ clergy and a staff team to run the church, all of these areas of our church’s daily life are made possible by the provision of money, as well as time and skills, given by the church family.
The prayerful and generous consideration of St Nicolas’ that God has put on the hearts of so many is something we are very thankful to Him for as we share His Gospel by way of this partnership.
See below for more information on giving at St Nicolas. If you have any further questions about giving please contact our Stewardship Secretary ( or download the Giving Booklet. If you would like more information on the finances of St Nicolas’ please contact our Treasurer (
Where does the money come from?
The vast majority (over 80%) of our income comes from the generous giving of our church family in the form of regular stewardship, one off donations and the associated tax that we’re able to claim back as Gift Aid. From time to time we also receive legacies from those who wish to remember the work of St Nicolas’ in their will.
The remainder of our income comes from two sources; firstly the letting and hiring out of our buildings and secondly an annual grant received from the Newbury Church and Almshouse Charity which is to be used specifically for the maintenance of the church building.
What is the money spent on?
Over 60% of our expenditure is attributable to staffing costs. This covers administrative and ministry staff employed by the PCC as well as our members of stipendiary clergy who are funded through the Parish Share that we pay to the Oxford Diocese. Other significant areas of expenditure include the maintenance and running of all of our buildings as well as outreach giving to local, national and international causes.
A more detailed breakdown of our routine expenditure can be seen in our most recent booklet on Giving to St Nicolas which also includes useful biblical principles on Christian giving.
Our latest set of approved accounts, as submitted to the Charity Commission, can be obtained from here.
How to Give
There are a number of ways to give financially to the work of St Nicolas’ :
1. Regular stewardship giving
Giving regularly by standing order helps the church to plan for the future and can also help individuals to plan their giving to the church and other good causes with a frequency which best suits their own finances. Our Giving Response form can be downloaded, filled in and returned to the Church office for the attention of the Stewardship Secretary or alternatively you can email our Stewardship Secretary ( for more information.
Any completed Giving Response forms can be posted to the Church Office for the attention of the Stewardship Secretary at the following address: St Nicolas Church Office, West Mills, Newbury, RG14 5HG.
2. One-off donations
We also welcome one-off donations which can be made using our Giving Response form. Details including methods of donation (cheque, bank transfer etc.) can be found on the form itself or you can email our Stewardship Secretary ( for more information.
3. Legacies
If you would like to discuss the possibility of leaving St Nicolas’ a gift in your will then our Churchwardens ( or the Rector ( can be approached, in confidence, to talk through your wishes with you. The St Nicolas’ legacy policy can be viewed here. General information on leaving a legacy to a church of your choice can be found at
Giving with Gift Aid
If you are a UK taxpayer then giving with Gift Aid typically increases your donation by 25p for every £1 donated, at no extra cost to you. The Gift Aid declaration on our Giving Response form can be filled in, signed and returned to our Stewardship Secretary via the Church Office.
Once you have filled in a Gift Aid declaration, for all donations to St Nicolas’ that we know are made by you we will be able to claim back the tax you have paid until you inform us otherwise of your Gift Aid eligibility. Please note that to qualify for Gift Aid you must pay UK income and/or capital gains tax at least equal to the tax reclaimed on your donations.
Alternatively, you could use your employer’s PAYE Payroll Giving scheme. This is a means of giving from your income before tax is deducted – no Gift Aid Declaration is required.
Changes in giving
If you would like to change the level of your giving, please use our Giving Response form.
If you decide to stop giving or no longer want St Nicolas’ to claim Gift Aid, please advise the Stewardship Secretary ( If your name or address changes, please also inform the Stewardship Secretary.
We are well aware that not everyone can increase their giving. Some people may need to decrease the amount that they give due to changing circumstances. We are extremely grateful for all gifts, whatever the size. And, whatever you give, please remember to give tax-efficiently wherever possible, through Gift Aid or payroll giving.