
Join us on the journey
Whether you are young or old, single or married, new to faith, an 'old-timer' or just looking, men@st-nics is here to support all men become active followers of Jesus Christ. Through social events, service within the local community and other planned activities, we seek to live out our faith in relevant and practical ways.
Fellowship on Tap
Simon is at The Globe (opposite St Nic's) from 8.30pm every other Monday – come and have a drink and a chat and get to know other men from St Nic’s. No need to tell us, just turn up if you can make it. |
Casual 6-a-side Football
Come and have a kick-about with other guys from St Nic's and friends. At St Nic's School, 8.30-9.30pm every Monday. Cost £4. Let Simon know if you're coming... |
Men's Breakfasts
Our next breakfast is on Saturday 22 March - “Befriending on the frontline: CAP one year on”. We’ve heard the headlines in our services, so come and find out what lies behind those headlines at our next Men’s Breakfast – how Christians Against Poverty are lifting the burden of debt in Newbury.
Please join us at St Nic’s Church Hall. We kick off from 8:30am with the hatch opening soon after for food and fellowship, before we hear from CAP Befrienders. Please sign up here, through the church office, or at the back of the church so we can get an idea of the numbers. Fathers, please feel free to bring your boys if they would like to come, but please register them!
There will be a donations bowl on the morning but there is no charge for the event.
DNA Groups
If you're interested in joining a Discipleship, Nurturing and Accountability (DNA) small group, or just finding out more, please contact the church office