Midweek Activities

During the week at St Nicolas Church there are lots of different groups that meet regularly.
Hidden Treasures event

Hidden Treasures 
(Term Time Mondays, 9.50-11.15am)

Hidden Treasures is our parent/carer and toddler group; a place to find fun, friendship and faith! We look forward to welcoming you and your little one(s) for an hour of fun with messy play, a sensory room, small world toys and more. Watch our video here! Booking is essential, see our Facebook Page.  
Contact Sarah at hiddentreasures@st-nics.org

tiny treasures set up

Tiny Treasures
(Term Time Mondays, 1.30-3pm)

Tiny Treasures is our group for babies and their parents/carers. We run from 1:30-3pm each Monday afternoon in term time for babies from newborn to crawling/cruising (approx 18 months) and their grown-ups. 

We meet in the upstairs hall with baby toys, the sensory room and plenty of tea/coffee and cake, and finish with a time of singing. No booking required, but we will have a waiting list if we get too busy. Please contact
sarah@st-nics.org if you would like to come along!
CS Meet Monday (1)

Meet Monday

(First Monday of the month, 7.30-8.30pm)
At Meet Monday we value and support everyone, especially people with learning disabilities and autism. Join us in the church hall to make friends and have fun, to share news, to pray, and to learn about God's love with music, drama and craft. New people are always welcome.
Click here for list of dates we're meeting. More details from Pete & Christine at counteveryonein@gmail.com.
Newbury Friends Together

Newbury Friends Together

(Tuesdays, 2.00-3.30pm)
Good company and conversation over tea and cake. Friends Together is a group for older people needing fun and friendship. Join us for an interesting talk or demonstration, with refreshment provided! Click here for the Spring 2025 programme.
Listening Cafe Event

Listening Space

(Wednesdays, 11.30am-1pm)
Someone to listen, someone to pray 
If you'd appreciate someone to listen to you, and someone to pray with you, pop in for a chat and/or prayer or you can just sit in our beautiful, peaceful church.  Everyone is welcome.
Small Groups

Small Groups

Small groups meet to study the Bible, pray and encourage each other in our faith during the week. They meet on various days at different times. Click here for more info. Contact Joy Mawdesley.
Coffee Morning 2

Charity Coffee Mornings

(Thursdays, 10am-12pm)
Each Thursday Morning in St Nic’s Hall we provide an opportunity for a charity to run a Coffee Morning to raise some funds and awareness of what it does. There is a regular clientele, who get modestly priced refreshments, including home-made cakes, and a chance to browse the bric-a-brac stall and pick up a bargain. Why not join us?
If you would like to hold a coffee morning for your charity, please email office@st-nics.org. St Nic’s provides a host to support the charity on the day. 
Bellringers Feb 2022

Bell Ringing 

Our bell ringers are a friendly group covering a wide range of ages and backgrounds. Newcomers are welcome whether you want to try it out or you've been ringing for years. Click here for more information.
Contact David Bebbington, Tower Captain on 07769 262717 or email newbury@bellsnearnewbury.org.uk.  
Gardens pic for midweek pg

Churchyard Gardens

Everyone is welcome to join in helping to keep our gardens colourful and welcoming to the town.  We meet regularly through the summer. Bring your own tools (or use ours) and a hat if it's hot!


The world around is God’s creation, given to us with the instruction to be good stewards of it. We long to see creation-care develop as an intrinsic part of our faith as a church. Please join us!
The team meet regularly to organise events and have input into the activities happening at church. We have a presence on the PCC too.  To find out more 
click here, or contact ecogroup@st-nics.org
Gardens pic

Hospital Therapy Garden

The garden at the West Berks Community Hospital is beautiful to look at and provides a therapeutic function for patients with Alzheimer’s and other neurological conditions, as well as those convalescencing. Our team of volunteers has grown and we are seeing the rewards of our work.
Would you like to join us? Email Vivien Staunton or Andy Moore.
Church front

Town Team

People at St Nic's are involved in a variety of ministries outside of church, serving our community. Many of these are with CTNA (Christians Together in the Newbury Area). Our Town Team exists to promote these. Click here to find out more.