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You are warmly invited to our Christmas Services

Christmas Services

Carol Service
Sunday 22 December, 6pm

An atmospheric service of carols, readings, reflection & prayer as we look forward to the birth of Jesus, foretold for generations.
Click here to watch the livestream video.

Christmas Services

Crib Service
Tuesday 24 December, 3pm

A delightful crib service for young families.  Come along and dress up, join in the carols and help to retell the story of Christmas.  This service is always popular, so make sure you don't miss out!

Christmas Services

Midnight Communion
Tuesday 24 December, 11pm

A traditional Holy Communion service at the start of Christmas Day.

Christmas Services

Christmas Day Communion
Wednesday 25 December, 10am

A joyful Christmas Day family communion service, celebrating the birth of our Saviour!
This service will be livestreamed. Click here to join us via the livestream.

Orphanage pic 2024

Christmas Appeal
Jeel Al-Amal Orphanage, Bethany

This year donations at our Christmas services will be given to Jeel Al-Amal Orphanage in Bethany. Established 50 years ago by Palestinian Christians, it continues to provide a safe place for local children in this war-torn country.

Our donations will go towards the Kindergarten and Nursery enabling them to buy child-friendly equipment and resources and help replace the leaking water tanks. For more information and to give, click here.

Thank you for any donation you are able to make.