Town Team

Who we are
The Team has three main areas of activity.
West Berkshire Community Hospital Therapy Garden. We provide leadership of the gardening team, interacting with hospital staff. The team (more than a dozen strong) was initiated by St Nic’s in 2013 and has developed the Therapy Garden into a space valued by patients, their visitors and hospital staff.
Sunday Stalls. The Team maintains contact with local organisations (mostly CTNA affiliated) doing social / community work and organises their occasional pitch to congregations every couple of months.
Charity Coffee Mornings. The Coffee Mornings have been running on Thursday mornings since the late 1980s. They offer an opportunity for charities to raise funds and awareness, and they provide a meeting place with reasonably-priced refreshments for the community. The TOWN Team oversees administration.
Contact us
We have lots to do; please get in touch:
Vivien Staunton 01635 48055
Andy Moore 01635 41026
West Berks Community Hospital Therapy Garden
We have been working hard to help create a garden at the West Berkshire Community Hospital. The garden is beautiful to look at and provides a therapeutic function for patients with Alzheimer’s and other neurological conditions, as well as those in general convalescence, by involving them in tending the garden. Plants are incorporated for sensory stimulation to help patients become more connected with the present as well as with past events. Our team of volunteers has grown as have our links with hospital staff and we are seeing the rewards of our work. Would you like to join us? Email or
The Chef
We have a well-established fruit and vegetable plot. The chef, Frances de la Cruz regularly harvests fresh produce to serve to patients – salad crops, beans and tomatoes. Fruit crumbles are very popular. At the end of the season he meets with Robin Elliott to decide what crops are most needed. Recently ginger and lemongrass were successfully added to the selection.
We work closely with “Chrissie”, Christine Stockwell, Creative Therapist who is constantly encouraging and inspiring us. She is passionate about giving patients the best possible experience of hospital encouraging them to get out into the garden or greenhouse to help their recovery. Several members of St Nics regularly visit patients and Sandra Reeves uses her specialist skills to help the Friday exercise class, providing valuable support.
A new initiative
This year members of the gardening team came together with OTs and Physios for horticultural therapy training with Thrive, a leading provided in this field. The staff have compiled a “Wish List” for 2018 to enable more patients to use the garden. We will be working with them to deliver this.
A new garden
We are also working with Newbury Cancer Care Trust, the Hospital League of Friends and Marks & Spencer to create a new “Rainbow Garden” transforming the view from two of the hospital’s suites.
Click here to read testimonials from some volunteers at the WBCH Therapy Garden
In June 2020 Berkshire NHS Volunteers (a very wide set of people which includes the Therapy Garden team) received the Queen's Award for Voluntary Service. 'This prestigious National Honour recognises outstanding contributions made to the local communities by volunteers devoting their time, skills and energy for the benefit of others. It sets a benchmark for excellence in volunteering, with those awarded being judged of the highest standard'. Julian Simms, Chief Executive of Berkshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
The team was delighted that the Garden won the Green Space category in 2018's NHS Sustainable Health & Care Awards. Click here to read the article.
Please join us
St Nicolas is responsible for providing volunteers, predominantly from our congregation, to care for the garden and to assist hospital staff with patient therapy. We need people to offer occasional help in spring, to prepare, and in autumn, to clear, and others to come perhaps once a week for an hour through the growing season, weeding, planting and watering. Those helping with patients will be specially trained and cleared and may spend half a day a week in this role.
Sunday Stalls
The TOWN Team maintains contact with organisations doing community and social work; examples are: West Berks Foodbank, West Berkshire Homeless, Newbury Street Pastors, Loose Ends, COINS. A Sunday stall provides for a structured interview, with slides, between representatives and those leading the service(s). A particular focus is to encourage and appeal for volunteers. There is an opportunity over refreshments for representatives and members of the congregation to engage more deeply. This is all part of “Being Good News”.
Charity Coffee Mornings
Each Thursday Morning in St Nic’s Hall we provide an opportunity for a charity to run a Coffee Morning to raise some funds for itself and awareness of what it does. There is a regular clientele, who get modestly priced refreshments, including home-made cakes, and a chance to browse the Bric-a-Brac Stall and pick up a bargain.
St Nic’s provides the host to interface with the charity and a back-up team should a charity be unable to run the morning.
Why not join us?